To refinance student loans, you usually need a stable income, good or excellent creditworthiness, or a person who has one, and a willingness to find the most favorable offer from lenders. This will help you get the lowest interest rate you qualify for, which is often the main goal of borrowers when refinancing. How to refinance student loan?
Not everyone is eligible for refinancing student loans. During refinancing, you pay off part or all of your student loans by taking out a new loan for the total amount you want to refinance from a private lender or bank.
However, before you reach for this product, you should carefully check the fees that await you in connection with the “transfer” of credit. And these costs include, among others:
- commission for the bank where you use refinancing,
- fees related to earlier repayment of the original loan,
- insurance costs for a new loan

Refinancing student loans is a fairly simple process. Here are the steps you need to follow to do this:
- Conduct interest rate refinancing studies: Check the average rates and qualifications of different lenders. Visit all three major sources of loans: banks, credit unions and online lenders.
- Review the loan terms and choose a lender: Before refinancing loans, it is wise to collect offers from many lenders. Several student loan refinancing companies offer online pre-qualification tools that can speed up the process, choose the lender whose terms best suit your needs and goals.
- Prepare documents and complete the application. When you qualify for a loan, you provide basic information about yourself and you go through a soft credit inquiry that does not appear in your credit report and does not affect your creditworthiness. Based on this information, the lender will confirm whether you are likely to be approved, and if you’re a good candidate, you’ll provide an estimate of the rates and conditions you can expect.
- Keep paying back student loans: don’t give up your former lender before you get a response from the new one. Track your payments to avoid delays in penalties and fees.
Refinancing at a lower interest rate will allow you to get out of debt faster if you continue to make the same payments or more. In other words, if you reduce your monthly payments, it will take you longer to get out of debt. The only reason to lower your monthly payments is to fight to make ends meet.
If you want to get rid of your debts as soon as possible, you need to make the highest monthly payment you can afford, without spending too much resources or exhausting your cash flow.